Thursday, June 9, 2011

Infatuated with success?

When you aspire for that oh-so-unattainable position/ possession, work towards it and find that you haven't gotten 'there' but just ended up being 'mediocre' or 'failed', it makes you feel horrible?

Added to it, if any of your associates get 'there' rather effortlessly, like a cake walk, does your head spin? Do you feel like stung and suffer from thoughts of worthlessness, jealousy, guilt and isolation?

Well, these are symptoms of infatuation with success... Sure enough, hard earned victory is sweet. But we all need different doses of success-failure combos in our lives to fulfill our life's purpose. The dose is different for different individuals at different points in time.

Hence, we need to understand our 'success' is not entirely our own individual credit and our 'failure' is not necessarily our own individual inadequacy. There is nothing personal about it, except ofcourse our deep desire for a position/ possession and our sincere efforts to attain the same. The sooner we understand this, the surer we can be on our road to personal happiness and fulfillment.