Monday, April 28, 2008

Thumb Rules of Life!

Human body is psycho-somatic in nature. Pscho - mind, somatic - body. Any disturbance/ turbulence in the mind reflects as sickness of the body.

As said "a healthy mind in a healthy body", one ought to take care of one's mind and thoughts and keep it as peaceful as possible.

Being Happy inspite of every unpleasant situation is a decision we owe to ourselves, for a healthy, peaceful life.

On a day- to- day basis, we find ourselves introspecting on the meaning of life, why we are here and how to be happy always. These insights are powerful tools for our transformation, provided we act upon them.

Here are a few of my observations and thoughts. Readers are welcome to share their insights too. Lets make this world a better place to live.

Pain and pleasure are passing clouds of life, none stays permanantly. To dissociate oneself from both is the mark of true wisdom.

No one person is "better" than the other. We are all here to work on our weaknesses and enhance our strengths. To give room to either superiority or inferiority complexes is the sureshot road to misery.

You are facing challenges in life, not because you are inadequate, it is the nature of life to throw challenges, that make you strong from within.

Never compare yourself to others. The only person you have to compare is yourself. At every point of time, if you strive to better yourself and give your best, you are the most successful person one can come across.

Buddies, share your insights too, lets get better every moment...

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