Monday, May 5, 2008


To combat darkness, there is no other way, but to bring light. To combat hatred, unrest, lethargy, indifference, violence, the only remedy is love. Love is the one remedy for all ills of mankind today.

Just imagine, how difficult it really is, to hate a person who loves you. So the answer lies just there. Give more and more and more love.... so much love that there is no room for hatred at all! fill every gap of your life with love. That is the best way to keep all the other less favourale emotions at a bay.

Start the day with love, spend the day with love, and end the day with love, that is the way to God.


Phani said...

Love leads to miseries as well :P

Kidding... well is this all to reach God :)

Sudarshan said...

saw you on orkut, lovely blog and a rather interesting post. Well if everyone loved one another then how will we know what love means ! So some imperfection is essential to keep things in a perfect balance. Lovely thoughts nevertheless, all the best :-)


Purnima Vemuri said...

thank you dfor the encouragement :)

yashpal said...

I have been touched by your story of stones which you have related
but if we realize that we are just the instruments and tools in hands of the lord we have our value
GOD is the phd guide and we hsi students in the game of life howsoever unworthy we might seem to oursleves but he can make us worthy just if we surrender to lord in good will and confidence
thanks sister for an enlightening story

csekharm said...

Nice posts on your blogs....very impresssive...keep posting !!

g_na_rays said...

give more and more and more love....

which is golden statement said by many gr8 ppl...thanks for adding that line

Purnima Vemuri said...

thank you so much guys :)